In learning music, students of all ages learn about their own and other cultures and the long tradition of communication that music has provided over the ages among peoples. Music can be a powerful aesthetic and humanizing force in students’ lives. Education in music is essential to every student’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth.

Music education in schools provides for the development of musical skills and understanding through experiences in:

  • creating, presenting (making music)
  • connecting to time, place, and community (historical/social context)
  • perceiving, reflecting, and responding (critical response)


  • Music programs improve the atmosphere for learning
  • Music programs help students achieve in other academic subjects like math, science, and reading
  • Music programs keep students engaged in school and less likely to drop out
  • Music programs help communities share ideas and values among cultures and generations
  • Music is a disciplined human endeavour with intrinsic value to society

Music programs provide students with opportunities to:

  • express themselves in verbal and non-verbal ways;
  • appreciate diverse perspectives, openness and flexibility in thinking;
  • develop a high level of self-awareness and self-confidence;
  • develop a rich and healthy sense of beauty and imagination

Music develops skills needed by the 21st century workplace

  • Critical and analytical thinking
  • Creative problem solving
  • Effective communication