Photo Credit: www.katmclevey.com

by Sarah Veber, Youth4Music Ambassador and Editor in Chief, Youth4Music Newsletter

What has been the most meaningful and rewarding aspect of your career so far for you personally?

“Whenever I hear that a young musician is inspired to write and perform their own music after listening to mine or after having met me is incredibly enriching and motivating for me. I look up to so, so many individuals and bands far and near – some I’ve had the honour to meet, most of whom I likely never will – but to hear and know that someone looks up to me the same way that I look up to other musicians, is incredible to sit down with at the end of the day.”

What’s the motivation behind your career and/or what do you believe have led to your successes to date?

“I have been tremendously fortunate to be very supported by the community of musicians and industry professionals in my hometown, St. John’s. I’ve gotten to where I am now purely on the kindness and support of those folks here who have given me gigs, introduced me to other industry professionals in and out of the province, showed me tricks on LogicPro, jammed with me, etc. Their generosity and willingness to help me is, in my eyes, what has led to my success to date. I am motivated by wanting to pay forward all that’s been done for me, but also, I’m motivated by being so young and knowing that I will never stop learning. Selfishly, I want to be the best musician that I can be and one way to keep striving for that goal is to keep writing, keep playing, keep collaborating, keep listening… I am so thirsty for everything I’ve yet to learn. If I can inspire anyone to do anything, I hope it’s to keep their channels open and just keep growing and learning.”

Do you have any experiences or stories about how you have been empowered and how you have empowered others in your industry?

“I saw Ouroboros perform their first gig during the Rotary Music Festival in St. John’s a couple of years ago. I was losing my mind as soon as they played the first bar of their first song – they were 5 music professionals who made this powerhouse band playing this intricate, technical repertoire to the craziest beat and just completely crushing it (in a good way). They completely went against the grain of the typical 5-piece rock bands that play the town with a 4 sax + drummer setup. They played repertoire that was arranged or composed and arranged by members in the band and seeing them play that first time was a pivotal life moment for me. I felt like they were stretching all that St. John’s music has ever been and it was blowing my mind. It made me feel completely sure that I wanted to do music as a career and empowered enough to have no doubt I could do it.“

List any awards or honours that are most meaningful to you

“MusicNL Female Artist of the Year and a shortlist spot for the Borealis Music Prize. Having my work supported and celebrated by my city and province-wide community of peers, co-musicians, mentors and heroes is the coolest thing ever. I know those people, I know their faces, and the fact that they know me personally and still support everything I’m doing is simply so meaningful to me. What more can you ask for than the support of the people around you?”

What is one thing that young women should know about you?

“I don’t let the fact that I’m a young woman stop me from pursuing any of my ambitions. There is nothing holding me back from doing absolutely everything I can to be the absolute best that I can be, so that is what I strive for everyday.”